Rural Women at the United Nations: February 28th - March 2nd
Feb 28th Discussion Mar 1st: Performance Mar 2nd: Market
Panel and discussion
Toward a Platform for Action for Rural Women
Emphasis on Health, Education and Work
Continuing the work begun at CSW 2005 Session
RDLN speakers: Cynthia Ellis, Western New York Peace Center; Emma Dixon, Creation of Wealth (LA); Nancy Warneke Gaynor, K-M Ranch (MT); Dr. Wilhelmina Perry, homeless youth program, formerly Procucîr (Puerto Rico); Mily Treviño-Sauceda, Org. en California de Lideres Campesinas; Shirley Sherrod, Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund and Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative (GA), Moderator
A forum for all rural women
February 28, 2006 3:00-5:00 p.m., UN Church Center (12th Floor), 777 UN Plaza (44th St. and 1st Avenue), NYC
RDLN held a panel and discussion on February 28 at the Commission on the Status of Women toward articulating a "Platform for Action for Rural Women," to complement the general platform that was developed at the NGO Forum for Women in Beijing in 1995. Women from other countries were invited to highlight their concerns.
Mily Treviño-Sauceda shares farmworker concerns Nancy Warneke Gaynor at far end. |
Dr. Wilhelmina Perry outlines rural women's situation |
from Nigeria |
Speaker from Chile (and translator) standing.
Luvenia Reese from South Georgia in foreground |
from Australia |
from Soweta, South Africa |
Speaker from Chile (foreground) and translator, standing. RDLN representative Joan Lucas Lopez from New York and Belize, seated |
The 2nd Annual Women and the Arts Festival at the Commission on the Status of Women
Rural Development Leadership Network
in association with
NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY
Drama and Dialogue
American Rural Women - Celebrating Our Lives
The Program:
Faith Song - conveying the spirit of native women
Monica Caye, Kootenai, Flathead Reservation, Montana |
"The Bottom" - A play composed of stories told by people in the farming town of Blakely in Early County, Georgia. The characters perform their own stories. Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative (SRBWI) |
California Farmworker Women perform a skit about the daily challenges they face in the fields and at home - Lideres Campesinas (CA)
Mountain Women Rising - Appalachian Women's Alliance (VA) creates a tapestry of Appalachian women's lives through poetry, prose, story & song
Fannie Lou Hamer: This Little Light -
Excerpt from a one-woman show created and performed by Billie Jean Young, renowned MacArthur Fellow, actor, activist, poet, and founding Chairwoman of RDLN- Southwest Alabama Association of Rural and Minority Women |
"Mother the Great Stone" - An immigrant voice
Joan (Roches) Lucas Lopez from Belize. Formerly Belize Rural Women's Association
The struggles and triumphs of rural women's lives are related through drama, music, poetry and storytelling.
The groups use artistic expression to organize women and explore and communicate their concerns.
Interactive dialogue on this technique will follow the presentation.
March 1, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Tillman Chapel, UN Church Center
777 UN Plaza (44th St. and 1st Ave.), ground floor
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Artisan's Market - Products by Rural Women
These items were displayed by RDLN at the CSW meeting.
Houma Baskets by Miss Marie Dean
March 2nd
UN Church Center, 2nd Floor
777 UN Plaza (44th Street and 1st Avenue)
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