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RDLN Rural Development Institute    

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The four-and-a half week RDLN Rural Development Institute is held every other year during May and June at the University of California at Davis. It has been hosted by the Center for Regional Change and the Community Development Program in the Department of Human Ecology in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences.

RDLN Leaders at horse farm on County Road 29
The Institute has been hosted by the University of California, Davis
Office of the Provost, Department of Human Ecology, Community Development Program

Bill Lacy, Associate Provost for Outreach and International Programs
David Campbell (c), Director of the Community Development Program, Department of Human Ecology
Jonathan London (c), Director of the Center for Regional Change, with Margaret Eldred, formerly of the Campus Writing Center, and Isao Fujimoto, former chair of Asian American Studies and co-founder of the Community Development program. Good sports in RDLN T- shirts! Ben Arriaga, graduate student in Community Development, who served as assistant to RDLN through the Center for Regional Change. Valerie Chiappone, assistant to Jonathan London, pitched in to help with logistics.

Several sessions are often led by UCD faculty, former faculty and staff, such as Chris Benner, Frank Hirtz, Lee Wiggins, Ruth Gustofson, Marcia Meister, and Dean MacCannell (who helped the Insitute get started at UC Davis in 1985). Thanks to Sandy Vella in Shields Library and Veronica Passalacqua, Director of the Gorman Museum, where we have held our closing reception.

Dean MacCannell and Juliette MacCannell with RDLN Leaders Frank Hirtz with RDLN Leaders and UC Davis Graduate students

RDLN participants have earned academic credit for the Institute if they have chosen to pursue a degree. At the Institute, they take part in four main courses with university faculty and visiting practitioners. Peer exchange is an important part of the experience, as are several field trips:

Veronica Passalacqua
of the C. N.
Gorman Museum
RDLN Board member John Zippert (l), RDLN graduate Alice Paris (c), and George Paris(r) with Maya Crooks and Darnella Winston at the RDLN Institute certificate reception At the Davis Food Coop, RDLN Leaders (l to r) Dorothy Grady-Scarbrough, Mapy Alvarez. Darnella Winston, Oleta Fitzgerald and Maya Crooks, with Davis Coop staff member (3rd from R) The group also visited Golden 1 Credit Union and The Artery, an artists cooperative, in Davis.
The group also visited Rex Dufour and Dave Runsten at ATTRA (National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service), NCAT (National Center for Appropriate Technology, and CAFF (Community Alliance with Family Farmers),

- Institute Application
- RDLN Institute Courses
- Field Trips

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