Rural Leaders at RDLN Institute
l to r: Tony Jack, Euneika Rogers, Theresa Isley, Lydia Villanueva, Trina Cunningham, Maria Moriera, and Yolanda Garibay
In Spring 2007, seven new leaders entered the program and participated in our Rural Development Institute at the University of California at Davis.
The New Leaders and their Sponsoring Organizations are as follows:
Trina Cunningham - Greenville, CA
Sponsoring Organization - Maidu Summit Group
Field Project - Land acquisition and developing tribal infrastructure
Yolanda Garibay - Kelseyville, CA
Sponsoring Organization - Big Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians
Field Project - Developing an IDA program for home ownership
Theresa Isley - Siler City, NC
Sponsoring Organization – Sanford Arts Coalition, NC
Field Project - Multicultural Arts Program: Youth and Drama
Tony Jack - Kelseyville, CA
Sponsoring Organization - Big Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians
Field Project - Developing a charter school with a culturally appropriate curriculum
Maria Moreira- Lancaster, MA
Sponsoring Organization - Heifer Project
Field Project - Marketing with immigrant Hmong farmers
Euneika Rogers - Furman, AL Sponsoring Organization - Black Freedmen’s Living Historical Farm for Children
Field Project - Developing sustainable agricultural and architectural systems
Lydia Villanueva - Hereford, TX
Sponsoring Organization- CASA (Communities Assuring a Sustainable Agriculture) del Llano
Field Project - Youth food survey leading to the formation of a food policy council
Helping to orient the new group were RDLN graduates Shirley Sherrod, Kathy Supernaw and Ben Tafoya.
Hosts at the University of California, Davis, included the following:
Dr. Bill Lacy, Vice Provost of University Outreach and International Programs
Dr. Michael Smith, Chair, Community Studies and Development Program, Department of Human and
Community Development
Resource people included:
Satya Gabriel, Professor of Economics, Mt. Holyoke College
Isao Fujimoto, Lecturer Emeritus, Community Studies and Development, UCD Maria Varela, founder, Ganados del Valle, Tierra Wools. Instructor and Acting Director, Southwest Institute, Colorado College
Jack Guillebeaux, consultant, Connections, Inc.
Grizelle Apodada, Eslabón Associates
Many others